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Broadcast Journalism

Exploring broadcast journalism has allowed me to tell the stories of my community by bringing my sources' faces to my audience and bring readers into the stories in a more compelling way. In my internship, I learn about radio broadcasting and help with the station's content management and audio editing.

Issue 1 Instagram Promo

January 2021

I was featured in and filmed a few parts of this promo video for our newest magazine issue. I also helped the main videographer plan the shots and get interviews with staff members about their stories to include. By posting this on our Instagram account, we got the word out about how students could pick up a copy and promote excitement about the stories inside. 

Video by Kalli Samaltanos and Audrey Enghauser

Scans by Audrey Enghauser

WUGA Radio Internship

January - May 2022

Interning under the Operations Director of the University of Georgia's WUGA Radio Station 7.5 hours per week, help manage content in the station's audio vault, edit audio for radio broadcast on Adobe Audition, and write PSAs for the radio. My supervisor also teaches me about the fundamentals of local radio production and many of the content choices he makes for the station.

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Still from video by Colin Frick

Creating Community

October 2019

This video was edited and filmed by former Broadcast Editor Colin Frick, and I conducted the interviews with the sources and provided feedback about the video, ensuring it was an accurate retelling of my magazine story. I conducted man-on-the-street interviews with students as well as planned interviews with experts, and throughout the process, Colin showed me the steps of video production.

Broadcast video in Journalism I

Spring 2019

In the Journalism I class, we studied broadcast journalism and created practice videos based on past ODYSSEY articles to gain experience in scripting, anchoring and editing videos. My partner, Ireland McCage, and I researched more about the topic of sneaker culture and filmed b-roll of shoes and paraphrased the article to bring it off the page. This gave me an idea of how difficult it is to shoot a good video, so we did our best with the resources we had.

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Still from video by Audrey Enghauser and Ireland McCage

Professional Bright Office Zoom Virtual

Scans by Audrey Enghauser

Learning about broadcast

Spring 2019

In the Journalism I class, we spent a unit learning about all aspects of broadcast. We talked about the step-by-step process for getting interviews, shooting b-roll and editing clips together. I learned how to get the best audio and video quality and techniques for reporting through broadcast on my phone.   

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