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Team building

Team building is essential to maintaining a sense of community on our staff. When we make an effort to build bonds outside of our work, our teamwork and morale is stronger, and it estsablishes a comfortable and familial work environment.

Photo by Kelly Fulford

Southern Interscholastic

Press Association Conference

I traveled to Columbia, South Carolina twice to attend SIPA with the staff. Each conference opened up my mind to what journalism can be. I connected with my teammates in new ways through on-site competitions, awards and the chance to spend time outside of our work environment. I returned home with a new set of knowledge and ideas for the program and my role in it and new bonds with my teammates. I made many memories both years that I refer back to as critical turning points in my journalistic journey.


For each year of in-person learning, our staff gathered for a Friendsgiving potluck-style meal. Each of the seniors give their "last Friendsgiving" quick speech to the class about the importance of our community, and we share food and talk to people we don't typically work with. These meals are special markers in time each year for the growth of our community and allow us to build bonds with each other independent from our work. 

Video by Aza Khan

Secret Holiday Gift Giver

For the past three years, at the end of our Creative Writing Project, our staff shares food, exchanges gifts and reads samples of our writing from the project. It brings us closer because many choose to share personal writing and open up to the group, and taking a social break at the end of the semester to encourage and hear from one another helps us connect and become a stronger staff. 


Photo courtesy of ODYSSEY Media Group archives

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Photo courtesy of ODYSSEY Media Group archives

Cycle Celebrations

At the end of each magazine cycle when the issue comes out in print, the Business Manager solicits votes from the staff for best story in each staffer and an MVP pick for staffers and editors. These awards foster morale among our staff and pride for the work we do. As a leader, it's extremely rewarding to see my staffers praising one another for their work and coming together to celebrate.

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Graphic by Audrey Enghauser

Staff goals and values

At the beginning of each semester, each staff compiles a list of goals and values for their team to keep them focused throughout the year. We foster deep conversations about what everyone strives for and what we are willing to sacrifice due to the challenges we forsee. Through collaborating on this list and sharing a common goal, I have become closer with those that I work with closely, proceed with greater purpose to fulfill these goals, and have helped to establish a more cohesive unit of leaders as we come together through common goals.

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